Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Joys of Blogging

When I started this blog about a few months ago, I foolishly thought it would be easy.

Sure I have a lot to say on just about anything- but when it comes down to it, after hearing yourself talk for a while, you can bore yourself. Then the nagging thoughts come to the surface: “If you think you’re boring, just imagine what others think!”

A writer should never use her imagination when it comes to others. It’s enough to send you into therapy.

Every Saturday night I start to panic if I haven't settled on a topic for the weekly posting. I like to keep things fresh and interesting, but also informative and open about my experiences and struggles. Sometimes I think I divulge too much personal information and that starts another round of panic:

"Oh my gosh! It's happened - I've turned into one of those single ladies who uses the Internet as her emotional crutch and as an underhanded approach of dumping her garbage on any poor soul who happens to stumble across this blog!!!

At least I haven't got a cat yet. That's a whole other level of single-hood that I will have to blog about another time.

Truth of the matter is, no one told me how much work this would be.

Not the writing - that's the easy part. Anyone can formulate thoughts, sentences and paragraphs -but keeping my edge and making sure things are funny and interesting, that's the stressful part.

Sure, I might think something is interesting and hilarious. But will you? Can I make something funny or will it come out all wrong?

Then there's the whole issue of typos. I seem to be running amok with them lately and they are not the sort of company I like to keep.

I'm proud of them in a way. It means my brain is working faster than my hands. Simply fascinating if you think about it. However, a typo for a writer is like a run in the executive woman's panty hose before she goes into a big meeting: a mortifying experience.

I’ve had co-workers tell me they couldn’t help but proof read my latest entry and found several errors, and the latest entry had my mother yelling to me, “You have some major typos in here Kelsey! Didn’t you proof read this?”

UGH! I don’t know what’s worse. Having a co-worker point out your mistakes or your own mother. . .

Then there’s the issue of style.

Is it best to keep postings in the first person or better to keep them at a safe, third person distance? Keep telling personal stories or dabble in fiction and fairy-tales?
Personally, I enjoy the Andy Rooney style myself and always wanted to be like him in my “reporting.” But am I stunting my writing growth by not exercising all of my muscular formats?

To all of my questions I have one answer.

I don’t know.

Clearly I need some assistance in the proof reading department and have hired an executive. Her winning statement during her interview was the question, “Didn’t you proof read this?”

I shall pay her in smiles and “thank yous.”

As for now, I think I’ll keep you, the reader, guessing. The crossword puzzle isn’t fun if you know all the answers – and maybe I will write a fairy-tale to spice things up now and again. But just know, before you start your own blog, that this isn’t as easy as it looks.

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